
Create a daily and weekly home task list

Home Daily & Weekly List Printables

With this free resource, you'll get what you need to learn how to implement my signature Daily Five system and Weekly List system. You'll also have printable lists that you can print out to help you implement immediately.

If you like doing a little design work yourself, I'll also include Canva templates that you can fully personalize for your family.

Diverse children's books for valentine's day

Diverse Children’s Books For Valentine’s Day

There are so many ways to love and be loved. Sometimes our society doesn't do a great job of showcasing and including all the different beautiful types of love that exist in our world across culture, gender identities, and sexual orientations, so this FREE 9-page booklist features great books from toddler to teen that help us raise kind, loving, accepting children.

Meeting Facilitation Ideas List

Whether you need to brainstorm, have folks share input on an idea, make a decision together, or share important information, this curated list of meeting facilitation ideas will help you immediately improve your meeting-planning skills.

Polish Week Checklist

Every professional should set aside time every so often to '“polish up” their work systems and routines. This freebie is an editable Google Doc checklist to give you ideas for what your polish week can include and space to add your own steps!

The Monthly Management Memo

Monthly Management Memo

This free monthly email newsletter is for leaders and managers of all kinds. It shares practical tips and tricks for finding more joy and ease in your management so that you can make a positive impact as a leader.

guide- how to create a joyful, calm holiday season

Joyfully Managed Holiday Season Guide

Packed with guidance on how to clarify what matters to you, quit doing what does not matter to you, and shares many tips on how to create more joy and ease during the busy fall and winter holiday season.

Ice breaker and team-building idea bank

Meeting Ice Breaker & Team Building Idea List for Leaders at Work

It's clear that getting a thoughtful start to a work meeting makes a difference in both the participant experience and the effectiveness of the time spent together. It's also clear that leaders who intentionally build a team culture by using thoughtful and inclusive activities are more successful than those who miss that opportunity.

This is a free 14-page list of quick and easy ice breaker questions, creative video meeting-specific ideas, and bonus team-building activities for retreats.

The Friday Five Newsletter

Jessica’s Friday Five

Our weekly email newsletter, The Friday Five, is a simple and brief collection of 5 tried-and-true ideas, easy-to-implement tips, and a little bit of humor to support you to ditch the overwhelm and create space for more fun and relaxation in your life, home, and family management.